Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Conquering the Piles of Paper

Paper has a way of piling up fast. Before you know it, the piles are taking over your desk, floor, or even your room! There is one simple way to tackle a majority of the paper that you have accumulated in the room. I call it the "30 minute challenge". Collect a trash bag or recycling bin and set a timer for 30 minutes. 30 minutes is the magic time limit because it is short enough to fit in your schedule, but not too long to become overwelmed. Next step, just start going thru the piles and eliminate just the TRASH. Don't take too long to decide if you should keep each piece of paper. If you find yourself debating if the paper should be thrown out, put it aside to keep and continue with purging all the paper that is definitely trash. Trash can account for up to 50% of your paper piles. If you can eliminate some of those papers, the project will feel more manageable, and you will be more likely to continue with a proper filing system.

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